From the oxford dictionary, the meaning of existence is 1. Fact or manner of bieng or existing. 2. continuance in life or being. 3. all that exist. Three different meaning of existence, but what i understand about existence. I will start with the greatest, the living and Eternal exist that is ALLAH 'azzawajalla. The Holy Quran describe about Allah's eternal existence:
Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep....[Al-Qur'an 2:255].
The verse from Qur'an above proof about His existence. The creation and the existence of the universe also is the creation of Allah. All things exist by His will:
"When we decree a thing, We need only say: 'Be', and it is " [Al-Qur’an 5:32]
The Big Bang Theory is the most famous theory about the creation of the universe. This theory states that the universe is actually in form of closed-up mass in zero hour and explodes with massive explosion and form the universe that is always expend far away until now. However the Quran accurately describes the event of the Big Bang in the following words:
Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We clove them asunder (fataqna)? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? [Al-Qur'an 21:31].
Abot the universe expention also describe in Quran:
And the heaven We built with Our own powers (aydin) and indeed We go on expanding it (musi'un). [Al-Qur'an 51:48]
All above are the factor or truth about the existence of the universe. This also the beginning the life of human existence. The first creation of human is Adam 'alaihi salam:
"He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" [Al-Qur'an 32:7-8].
It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels bow down to Adam, and they bowed down; not so Iblees; He refused to be of those who bow down.
[Al-Qur'an 7:11]
Thus, human beings have a fundamental attachment to the earth. All of us born from one parent that is our great great grandfather Adam 'alaihi salam and his wife eve as it recorded in Qur'an:
"Oh humankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured among you in the sight of Allah is the who is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)" [Al-Qur'an 49:13].
What is our propose of existence in this very world? This is also been describe in Qur'an about the truth of our existence in earth.
And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should enslave themselves to Me
[Al-Qur'an 51:56]
It is He Who hath made you the inheritors of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He hath given you: for thy Lord is quick in punishment: yet He is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. [Al-Qur'an 6:165]
The verses from Qur'an above state a clear truth about us thus, we been created by He should take responsibilities to make prosperous in earth for preparation to meet Him after life. But what we do know is destroying the earth that is really oppose from what He order us. We also to be remind that we have to always obey Him. That is my understanding of existence and it is always Allah is The one who exist eternally from the past infinity time. As a reminder... wherever we live now, we will back to Him soon or later.
So glory to Him in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him will ye be all brought back. [Al-Qur'an 36:83].
Friday, July 24, 2009
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